Purchase these test strips and other diabetes supplies at a discount price at Save Rite Medical. Leukocytes: 0.4% w/w derivatized pyrrole amino acid ester 0.2% w/w diazonium salt 40.9% w/w buffer 58.5% w/w nonreactive ingredients.Nitrite: 1.4% w/w p-arsanilic acid 1.3% w/w 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydrobenzo(h) quinolin-3-ol 10/8% w/w buffer 86.5% w/w nonreactive ingredients.Urobilinogen: 0.2% w/w p-diethylamino-benzaldehyde 99.8% w/w nonreactive ingredients.Protein: 0.3% w/w tetrabromphenol blue 97.3% w/w buffer 2/4% w/w nonreactive ingredients.pH: 0.2% w/w methyl red 2.8% w/w bromthymol blue 97.0% w/w nonreactive ingredients.

Blood: 6.8% w/w diisopropylbenzene dihydroperoxide 4.0% w/w 3, 3', 5, 5'-tetramethylbenzidine 48.0% w/w buffer 41.2% w/w nonreactive ingredients.

They are often used to screen for or monitor diabetes, but can also help detect blood sugar issues, kidney function issues, acid-base balance issues, bacteriuria, occult blood, and other conditions. These strips are used by doctors, laboratories, and healthcare professionals to diagnose, screen for, and monitor health issues. A key on the container helps the person administering the test to better read the activated strip. After 1-2 minutes, the squares on the strip, will begin to change color to display the levels of various components of the urine. To test, the strip must be immersed in, then removed from, a urine sample. Reagent Strips for Urinalysis are used to determine pathological changes in a patient's urine during a standard urinalysis.