General Refers to gameplay-tweaking mods that adds a little bit for everything, or something outside the above categories.Logistics, Decoration are self-explanatory.

Tech Refers to mods that mainly adds machines/blocks that allows processing/automation.Exploration Refers to mods that mainly adds to the world generation, such as extra structures, mobs, or dimensions.Single Purpose Refers to mods that adds 1 or 2 items/mobs (or very similar types of items/mobs) that only serves one purpose.Utility Refers to mods that tweaks, or allows tweaking of non-gameplay aspects of the modpack (performance, appearance etc.).Gameplay Refers to mods that mainly changes or adds a gameplay mechanic.Integration Refers to mods that tweaks, or facilitates tweaking of other mods for compatibility or customization for modpacks.Core Refers to library mods required by some other mods.Type categories are not clearly defined at this moment, but in general:.For some mods which have a small subset of items available earlier, but the rest locked behind later ages, this may be noted.Since many mods have their availability split across ages, this might not be useful for reference.It does not differentiate between sub-ages like Tutorial Age and Stone Age.Available Age refers to the earliest age any mobs, items or blocks can be accessed in.This article shows the list of mods included in the modpack SevTech: Ages. You can help SevTech: Ages Wiki by expanding it.